
Rick Pidcock is a writer, poet, musician and speaker who creates new worlds of awareness that foster converging love. He approaches every article, book, album, or presentation as a conversation to cultivate awareness of the complexity, depth, and union within and among us.

After twenty years of leading worship in churches, Rick embarked on a season of spiritual healing where he learned to face his wounds and discover the wonders he had long been suppressing. His journey led him off the stage and drew him home.

He began producing music under the artist name Provoke Wonder, releasing his first full album “Consider the Stars” in 2020. Prior to the album’s release, it was featured at the 2019 BioLogos National Conference, where Rick led a session to share his story and a few songs from the album.

He graduated in 2021 from Northern Seminary with a Master of Arts degree in Worship, where he received the Academic Achievement award.

His first children’s book, What If?, is scheduled to release in 2023.

Rick completed a Fellowship with Baptist News Global, where he is a weekly contributor. His writing has also been featured at the American Academy of Religion, BioLogos, the Bucks County Beacon, the Center for Christogenesis, and Real Clear Religion. In 2025, he launched the “Highest Power: Church + State” podcast, produced by Baptist News Global.

Mark Wingfield, who is the Executive Director and Publisher of Baptist News Global, said: “I hope you’ve come to love the writings of Rick Pidcock, our former Clemons Fellow who is a keen analyst of American religion. Rick’s analysis and opinion pieces are some of our most-read content. And they always produce reactions.”

Rick is a stay-at-home dad and lives in Greenville, SC with his wife and five kids.

Rick Pidcock Writing CV