
10 examples of conservative evangelicals turning truth into dangerous lies
This article originally appeared at Baptist News Global on September…

Appealing to religious freedom is the way to counter Christian supremacism in America today
This article originally appeared at Baptist News Global on August…

There’s a straight line from eugenics to ‘biblical family values’ to white supremacy and the anti-abortion movement
This article originally appeared on July 5, 2022 at Baptist News…

The tangled web of evangelical opposition to abortion while believing in original sin, eternal conscious torment and the mysterious age of accountability
This article originally appeared on May 10, 2022 at Baptist News…

Think you understand what it’s like to live on minimum wage? Here’s my story.
This article originally appeared on January 26, 2021 at…

My journey from being a young-earth Creationist, Dispensationalist Republican to seeing my neighbor as worthy of my vote
This article originally appeared on October 27, 2020 at…